Tribe to be Featured on WGBH


On Tuesday, August 27 a production crew from WGBH Channel 2 in Boston visited Mashpee in order to capture station identification promotions.


“I received a request from Kristen Currier with WGBH by email asking if we would be interested in participating in taping station ID’s.” said Trish Keliinui, PR/Communication Manager for the Tribe. “The WGBH Foundation’s overall focus is on arts and education in Massachusetts, therefore they felt it very fitting to include members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe as a community where their foundation is based on preserving history.” she added.

Tribal Elders, Clan Mothers, youth and the Princesses participated in the day-long taping with settings at our historic landmarks like the Museum and Old Indian Meeting House as the backdrops.

The spoken line was “Hello, I’m from Mashpee and you are watching WGBH 2.” The most moving part of the day was hearing our Wôpanaak language spoken so fluidly with each taping on-camera by both the Elders and the Youth.

“After corresponding with Trish by email and learning the various locations and age groups that we would potentially capture on film, we decided we would dedicate an entire day in Mashpee. Typically we devote just a half day for filming.” said Kristen. “Now that we are here, we can say it has been an amazing day with incredible historic locations and some very special people!”

The station ID’s will air as early as this fall on WGBH 2 and WGBX 44, both include coverage area in the state of Massachusetts.