David Weeden Runs for Mashpee Selectman


David Weeden is looking to bring balance to the town of Mashpee Board of Selectman on October 1 and is asking for your vote. He currently serves as the Interim Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and as a Council Member for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and previously served on the town of Mashpee’s Planning Board. David has been a constant voice for conservation in town and believes the town is in need now more than ever of a fresh perspective at the table.

David has several issues that he’s passionate about addressing once elected. “Our waterways are declining and development continues to accelerate in town,” said David. “That’s not a healthy balance for Mashpee and if elected I’ll continue to be an advocate for preservation.”

Affordable housing, fiscal responsibility and growing local businesses are additional areas that David would like to see our elected leaders focus on.

Your vote will matter come October 1 at Christ the King Parish on Jobs Fishing Road in Mashpee. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please vote for David Weeden.