Higgins Art Gallery at Cape Cod Community College Invites Indigenous Artists to Participate in Community Project

This art project aims at creating bridges between Cape Cod artists and to make visible the invisible communities that have created the fabric of Cape Cod. Since the arrival of the Pilgrims, colonization has done tremendous damages to The Wampanoag Nation. People of color living on Cape Cod, including Cape Verdean, immigrant, Brazilian and others, have been segregated and often discriminated against.

Today, these communities continue to suffer from our colonialist system still aimed at privileging white people. 

TIDE/TIED will bring together 81 artists to create a nine by nine feet community healing quilt. Artists from oppressed and underrepresented communities are invited to share untold stories, explore their world and the world of others. Each artist will be given a 12 x 12 inches canvas to create a piece with the medium of their choice: paint, drawing, fabric art... The works will organically establish a dialog and correlations amongst themselves addressing issues through allegory, metaphor or illustration. 

We will keep seeking guidance from the Wampanoag and Cape Verdean Communities while designing the community installation. The unveiling reception is scheduled on November 6 at 4C's from 12 to 2 pm. The Tied/Tide Community Piece is to remain at the college. 

For more info and to participate, please contact Nathalie Ferrier, Higgins Art Gallery Director and Tide/Tide Curator. Nathalie will provide you a 12 x 12 canvas for creating your piece. Works are due by October 10. nferrier@capecod.edu Nathalie Ferrier is also a fiber/ multi-media sculptor. She teaches a Fashion/Fiber Art Course at Cape Cod Community College.