Opportunity to Reduce Energy Costs

The Mashpee Wampanoag Housing Department would like to share an opportunity that may help reduce the energy costs for some tribal families. Tribal members that are currently on the disounted R-2 rate that live on the Cape or on the South Shore may apply for a community shared solar program. There are currently a handful of opening in the program.

The discount participants receive is 20% on their bill. There is no long-term contact (you can opt out at any time) and it is a great way to benefit from having credits from solar applied to your electric bill and realize immediate savings.

Credits from the solar array get allocated to the participants of the community shared solar program. If you use $100 worth of credits in a billing cycle, then you would only have to pay $80 for the $100 worth of electricity that you used.

If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to the Self-Reliance Corporation at (508) 563-6633.