Emergency Management Department: Phase 2C – Covid-19 Updates


The third-wave surge in cases continues to wane in Barnstable County, but remains prominent and little changed in Dukes and Nantucket Counties.  The surge in new cases since late February is assumed to be associated in part with the arrival and spread of the P1 and B117 variants.

Barnstable County has seen a considerable drop in the Covid-19 Test Positivity Rates.  The 14-day average, as of 4/21/21 for Barnstable County was 4.34%.  There has been a large majority of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe employees who have received vaccinations as well on a voluntary basis.  At this time, we believe it is safe to take the next steps in preparation to move forward with a return to additional in-person work days for employees.  Per the Resilient Comeback re-entry planning document we will move into Phase 3 once the Positive Covid Rates are down to 2.75% in Barnstable County.  Depending on the impact of tourists coming into our communities through the tourist season, this may continue to vary up and down.

Employee Re-Entry – Next Steps within Phase:

Effective on Monday May 3rd 2021, All MWT employees previously working in Cohort 1 and 2 for two days per week, will return to work in person for four days per week (Mon, Tues, Wed and Thu).  Directors and Program Managers may return to work 5 days per week (Mon – Fri).  All employees within the Community and Government Center must complete a daily screening form after going through thermal temperature reader and continue with the bi-weekly testing.  All employees working outside of a confined office workspace, while working within the facility and around others, proper PPE (masks) must be worn to protect themselves and others.  Also, air purifiers within each section must be utilized daily.  Through this next step within the current phase, we should see a significant improvement to services to our community members while continuing to ensure the safety of our staff.

Youth Camp Progress Update:

An additional step toward progress was made through a successfully run youth camp (April 20-23).  Thank you to Kitty Hendricks and Darius Coombs for all of the hard work in the planning efforts while working closely with the EM Dept. Public Health Advisor Larry Nolan and Emergency Management Department to make this a successful and safe trial event. Approximately 20 Tribal Youth participated and enjoyed the outdoor activities planned for them such as a day at the Quahog farm, archery, a tour of the museum and a day at the Equestrian center.  Precautions were properly planned into the camp events to ensure that there was no spread of Covid-19.  All families of the children were screened for Covid-19 through testing in advance of the Camp start date.  All supporting staff for the camp were also tested in advance by our Mashpee IHS clinic.  Thank you to Rita Gonsalves and IHS staff for your assistance with this effort!  Each child was temperature screened and the parents/guardians completed the four question screening each day at drop off.  Then, during the events of the day, infection control measures were emplaced to disinfect all items handled by each cohort, masks were worn, and distancing was adhered to during snack and lunch breaks.   The children were organized into small cohorts of 6 to reduce the risk of any spread.  It was a very successful event that all enjoyed.  No one contracted Covid-19 and all had fun.  Great Job Kitty, Darius and Team!  They proved it can be done, so long as everyone supports the use of PPE, distancing and proper coordination and planning.


Nutrition Program Curbside Food Pick Up- Progress:

The Facilities Dept. Manager Jermaine Peters and staff Elsie Pocknett has planning measures underway for the re-opening of the kitchen.  Required Carbon Monoxide monitors are being replaced and should be completed during the early part of May.  As soon as that is complete, the kitchen will be available for use by vendors for meal prep through the Elders Nutrition Program.  Vendors are being coordinated through the Elders Nutrition Program Manager Donald Peters with vaccination and testing efforts underway.  

Court Re-entry planning Progress:

Custom Protective Shields were ordered through the Emergency Management Department and have been in progress of being fabricated over the past two months, in preparation to re-open the Tribal Courtroom.  The custom shields have been being fabricated to fit the space and allow in person court room sessions to begin sometime in May 2021.  There are UV Hepa Air Purifiers, automatic hand sanitizer dispensers, touchless restrooms and UV lockers in place and as well as appropriate distancing measures through dividers.  Chairs have been removed and those remaining set apart to allow sufficient space between people. This was all facilitated between the Emergency Management Department Director, Nelson Andrews Jr, Assistant Allyssa Hathaway, Public Health Advisor Larry Nolan and Tribal Court Clerk Nancy Rose beginning back in February of 2021.

WLRP School Re-entry Progress:

The WLRP School has started back up in its initial phases effective April 26th, 2021.  Thanks to a lot of planning and coordination from Jen Weston working with the Emergency Management Department.  Protocols to mitigate the risk of Covid-19 were put in place and followed.  Meetings were held with the teachers and parents to answer questions and alleviate concerns.  Thank you to our Mashpee IHS staff for assisting in vaccinating all of teaching staff willing to be vaccinated.  All instruction is being completed in small cohorts to mitigate the risk of any Covid-19 spread.  Families were screened and tested in advance, children receive temperature checks and daily screening forms each day prior to arrival.  Hand hygiene and proper PPE are being utilized and the teaching staff is ensuring the proper distancing.  The school is currently utilizing classroom space in the facility, yurt, outside space and a classroom space in the gymnasium through partitions purchased through the EM Department. The WLRP School re-entry has been successful so far. 

The Emergency Management Department is committed to moving forward with the re-entry phases in a safe and controlled manner while we all continue to get through the pandemic safely together.   With the introduction of new variants now present within our local communities it is strongly recommended to continue in following the public health guidelines that have kept our community safe throughout the past year.

For those 16 years of age or older, who have not yet been vaccinated, please be sure to take advantage of the vaccinations available at IHS.  Random Covid-19 testing is also recommended and available at IHS.  Please contact the Mashpee Health Service Unit at: 508-539-2561 to schedule an appointment. 

Also please free to contact the Emergency Management Department for Covid-19 related resources such as PPE, quarantine items and isolation motel needs at: 508-477-0208 Ext 103.