Tribe Accepted into 477 Program to Streamline Grant Management

A few weeks ago the Tribe was notified that it had been accepted into a program that will not only streamline the grant management process; eventually saving a significant amount of time and money, but in addition, open the Tribe up to new grants that provide the Tribe with increased employment opportunities and increased funding on the existing 477 grant programs.  The 477 Program that the Tribe will officially enter into on July 1 will allow Operations to consolidate up to thirteen different programs from the Department of Interior, Department of Labor, Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Human Services into a single plan. Marnell Cash, WIOA manager, is the Tribe’s lead 477 plan manager, supported by the Education Director, Roxanne Mills Brown. 

“This is a huge opportunity for our Tribe,” said Leslie Jonas. “It’s going to take some time and resources to get this program off the ground, but once it’s rolling we will streamline grant reporting and reduce the overall hours we spend managing individual grants.”

The program does provide a significant amount of tech support to help the Tribes enrolled reach that success point. This will all start this summer when the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs sends a representative to provide the Tribe’s WIOA manager, Marnell Cash, with appropriate training.