
Wunee keesuq Tribal family,

It’s truly unfortunate that we have a single tribal council member that continues to spearhead a campaign to derail our efforts to secure our land, our community service programs, our culture and the education of our next leaders. Disagreement among policy and procedure is expected and healthy in government, but this is not what’s happening. Material is continually leaked to local news outlets and misinformation is spread among our community.

We cannot subscribe to the divide and conquer mentality, which is not a Mashpee way of life and does not embody the values our ancestors have given us. We must join together to show the world that we are focused on the advancement of our Mashpee Wampanoag people with love, togetherness and thoughtfulness.

Despite the efforts of a councilmember, the rest of tribal council continues to move forward with the more pressing business at hand. Just a few weeks ago we passed a crucial step toward forever protecting our homeland with the passage of legislation by Congress. This is legislation that will reaffirm our Tribe’s federal land in trust.

Led by our representative, Congressman Bill Keating, the bill was approved across party lines with support from both Democrats and Republicans. They understand the injustice that has taken place. Our Tribe has suffered so much in the past from the United States’ failure to protect our land. What we saw last month was an important step to change that history, and to help us take one step closer towards a better and more secure future for the Mashpee people.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Leadership is extremely difficult. It requires solutions over obstacles. I do my best to keep our tribal nation moving forward, but I cannot do it alone. Your tribal council cannot do it alone. You as a tribal citizen have a responsibility to understand the issues and come together to overcome any obstacles placed in our way.

Mashpee above everything!


Chairman Cedric Cromwell

Qaqeemasq (Running Bear)